Clinical Evidence

Clinical Research

October 2, 2020

How to Achieve Accurate Implant Placement Using Robotic Guidance

Leslie R. Fish, DDS | LisaMarie Sarhangian, DDS, MD
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September 2, 2020

Full-Arch Robotic Dental Implant Surgery: Robotic Results from Virtual to Reality

Scotty L. Bolding, DDS, MS, FACS | Andrew Johnson, DDS, MDS, CDT
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January 3, 2020

Robotic-Assisted Prosthetically Driven Planning and Immediate Placement of a Dental Implant

Sundeep Rawal, DMD | Don E. Tillery, DMD | Peter Brewer, DDS
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Clinical evidence

  • A pilot study of postoperative pain felt after two implant surgery techniques: a randomized blinded prospective clinical study. Parmigiani-Izquierdo JM, Sánchez-Pérez A, Cabaña-Muñoz ME. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2013 Sep-Oct;28(5):1305-10. doi: 10.11607/jomi.3027.
  • Alemzadeh H, Raman J, Leveson N, Kalbarczyk Z, Iyer RK. Adverse events in robotic surgery: a retrospective study of 14 years of FDA data. PLoS One. 2016 Apr 20;11(4):e0151470. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0151470.
  • Computer-guided vs freehand placement of immediately loaded dental implants: 5-year postloading results of a randomised controlled trial. Tallarico M, Esposito M, Xhanari E, Caneva M, Meloni SM. Eur J Oral Implantol. 2018;11(2):203-213.
  • Effect of flapless surgery on pain experienced in implant placement using an image-guided system. Fortin T, Bosson JL, Isidori M, Blanchet E. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2006 Mar-Apr;21(2):298-304.
  • Flapless versus open flap implant surgery in partially edentulous patients subjected to immediate loading: 1-year results from a split-mouth randomised controlled trial. Cannizzaro G, Felice P, Leone M, Checchi V, Esposito M. Eur J Oral Implantol. 2011 Autumn;4(3):177-88.
  • Flapless versus open flap implant surgery in partially edentulous patients subjected to immediate loading: 1-year results from a split-mouth randomised controlled trial. Cannizzaro G, Felice P, Leone M, Checchi V, Esposito M. Eur J Oral Implantol. 2011 Autumn;4(3):177-88.
  • Giacomoni A, Concone G, Di Sandro S, Lauterio A, De Carlis L. The meaning of surgeon’s comfort in robotic surgery. Am J Surg. 2014 Nov;208(5):871-872. doi: 10.1016/j.amjsurg.2014.04.012.
  • Granit Molliqaj, MD, Bawarjan Schatlo, MD, Awad Alaid, MD, Volodymyr Solomiichuk, MD, Veit Rohde, MD, Karl Schaller, MD, and Enrico Tessitore, MD Accuracy of robot-guided versus freehand fluoroscopy-assisted pedicle screw insertion in thoracolumbar spinal surgery. Journal of Neurosurgery 2017 (Neurosurgical Focus)
  • Implant Case Report (Responses) FM 13485 8.2.1-2
  • Jay M. Neugarten DDS, MD, FACS (2024). Accuracy and Precision of Haptic Robotic-Guided Implant Surgery in Large Consecutive Series. The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants, 39(1), 99-106
  • Macke JJ, Woo R, Varich L.Accuracy of robot-assisted pedicle screw placement for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis in the pediatric population. J Robot Surg. 2016 Jun;10(2):145-50. doi: 10.1007/s11701-016-0587-7. Epub 2016 Apr 12.
  • Minimally invasive flapless implant surgery: a prospective multicenter study. Becker W, Goldstein M, Becker BE, Sennerby L. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 2005;7 Suppl 1:S21-7.
  • Minimally invasive flapless vs. flapped approach for single implant placement: a 2-year randomized controlled clinical trial. Wang F, Huang W, Zhang Z, Wang H, Monje A, Wu Y. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2017 Jun;28(6):757-764. doi: 10.1111/clr.12875.
  • Open flap versus flapless placement of dental implants. A randomized controlled pilot trial. Jané-Salas E, Roselló-LLabrés X, Jané-Pallí E, Mishra S, Ayuso-Montero R, López-López J. Odontology. 2018 Jul;106(3):340-348. doi: 10.1007/s10266-018-0343-8. Epub 2018 Feb 20.
  • “Park SJ, Leesungbok R, Cui T, et al: Reliability of a CAD/CAM surgical guide for implant placement: An in vitro comparison of surgeons’ experience levels and implant sites. Int J Prosthodont 30: 367, 2017”
  • Parsons JK, Messer K, Palazzi K, Stroup SP, Chang D. Diffusion of surgical innovations, patient safety, and minimally invasive radical prostatectomy. JAMA Surg. 2014 Aug;149(8):845-51. doi: 10.1001/jamasurg.2014.31.
  • PR – 1002 RC – Distance Value at 95% Probability must be less than or equal to the upper specification limit of 1.00 mm.
  • PR 1002 RC – Angular Error Value at 95% Probability must be less than or equal to the upper specification limit of 3.00 deg.
  • RP 1167 RB – Per the Acceptance criteria described in PR-1002, the NGS is capable of performing under the upper specification limit for Lateral (1.00 mm) and Angular (3.00°) accuracy, in all cases with 95% probability based upon adherence to the best fit statistical model.
  • RP 1167 RB – Per the Acceptance criteria described in PR-1002, the NGS is capable of performing under the upper specification limit for Lateral (1.00 mm) and Angular (3.00°) accuracy, in all cases with 95% probability based upon adherence to the best fit statistical model.
  • Simaan N, Yasin RM, Wang L. Medical technologies and challenges of robot-assisted minimally invasive intervention and diagnostics. Annu Rev Control Robot Auton Syst. 2018; 1:465–90. Doi: 10.1146/annurev-control-060117-104956.
  • “Vermeulen J: The accuracy of implant placement by experienced surgeons: Guided vs freehand approach in a simulated plastic model. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 32:617, 2017”

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Watch as Yomi Diamond Doctor of Excellence Vishnu Shankar drills three osteotomies in the lower right in just 35 seconds! This clip gives a great sense of the real-time visual and audio feedback Yomi provides a clinician during the intraoperative phase of implant surgery. Tap the link in our bio to learn more about the many benefits of robot-assisted implant placement. #YomiRobot #dentalimplants #dentistry #california #sanbruno @neocisinc @yomirobotwithav @mike_yomi_robotics @robert_yomi_dental_robotics @yomi.robot.nw @sanbrunodentalexcellence ...

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Dentist Dr. Stanley Ngo shares his take on robot-guided implantology and what the Yomi platform has meant for his Dallas practice. With a helping hand from Yomi, the team at @sk2dental is able to provide patients with same-day, minimally-invasive treatment. #OnlyWithYomi #YomiRobot #dentistry #dentalimplants @neocisinc @jo_yomirobotics @mike_yomi_robotics @daniel_neocisrobotics @yomiwithcody @stanleyngodds ...

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“Yomi is simply another tool in our toolbox to help provide the best outcome.” Dr. Jonathan Ehlers

Dr. Ehlers, a Yomi KOL, and @heididentrobot, our practice growth expert here at @neocisinc, sat down with the @productivedentistacademy team for a recent episode of their Everyday Practices Dental Podcast. An illuminating conversation on how robot-guided implant surgery is empowering Dr. Ehlers and other practitioners around the country to take on complex restorative cases with confidence, streamline patient care, and boost productivity. Listen now via the link in our bio. #YomiRobot #dentistry #dentalimplants @brett_yomirobotics @alejayomirobot @mattf_yomirobotics_midwest @tiger_family_dental @dr.maggieaugustyn

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Step inside Florida’s newest robotic implant practice — Brighter Smile Solutions in Pensacola. We’re proud to partner with this state-of-the-art office and excited to see Dr. Shane Turgeon bring a new level of precision and efficiency to his implant surgeries. Welcome to the Yomi team! Tap the link in our bio to learn more about the unparalleled accuracy of robot-assisted implantology. #YomiRobot #dentistry #dentalimplants #pensacola #florida @neocisinc @caylin_yomirobot @free_guided_pause @barbara.yomi.robot.implants @mattf_yomirobotics_midwest @brightersmilesolution ...

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@neocisinc is thrilled to be named a top 10 dental tech startup by TechRound! Tap the link in our bio to see the full list of innovators, and learn more about how Yomi “is changing the way dental surgery takes place.” #YomiRobot #dentalimplants #dentistry @techrounduk ...

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The @chicagodentalsociety`s 160th Midwinter Meeting is right around the corner! If you`re attending next week, come by booth 2516 to experience robotic guidance for yourself and discover how Yomi can help you reach new heights in implant #dentistry. #YomiRobot #dentalimplants #chicago #illinois #CDS25 @neocisinc @mattf_yomirobotics_midwest @alejayomirobot @brent_yomi_dentalrobotics @sheila_yomirobot ...

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Are you or someone you know considering dental implants? Learn more about Yomi – a state-of-the-art robotic system that’s helping dental professionals around the country place implants with unparalleled accuracy. Tap the link in our bio to learn more about this streamlined, minimally invasive treatment approach, and find a Yomi provider near you. #YomiRobot #dentalimplants #dentistry @neocisinc ...

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